Sunday, January 9, 2011


So wassup, Bloggerboy's back ! Haha ! I don't know what the heck did I do for the past few days. I'm too excited for college I guess? Eventhough I'm excited for it, I don't even know the exact date for my orientation. I'm not sure whether it's on the 11th of January or 17th January. Some of my friends who's taking the same course as me told me that the orientaion's will be conducted on the 17th of January but I remembered the receptionist girl who I registered myself to said it's on the 11th of January? Haha ! Anyhow, I'm going to Taylor's tomorrow to get full detail about it and the fees.

Aside from the excitement, I went out with my lovely girl yesterday. Oh well, she's too happy to be true, from I can read from her face expressions. That's the kinda-last outing, I think. She's going to be real busy as this year, she will be facing her big exam, SPM. Anyhow, I love you, girlfriend, study well and smart :)

Didn't you guys noticed? This post, there's no pictures in it. Yeah ! I want to blog without putting up random pictures, all words. Anyway, I've bought my favorite game of my life, Final Fantasy.... I've bought the 13th. I've played Final Fantasy back from where I wore only long pants until now where I wear shorts almost all the time. Haha in other means, I've played Final Fantasy since I was a little boy ( 10 years old ). Back then, I played Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9 using a PlayStation 1 and 10, X-2 and 12 using a PlayStation 2 and now? Final Fantasy 13 using an X-Box. Okay, I want to continue playing it now. Ciao !

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