Sunday, January 3, 2010


School has started, college has started and most of my mateys are working right now. Can you imagine how bored I am right now? Yeah I feel like I'm here at home all alone playing the Xbox or computer ALONE, whenever I called somebody, the same reason came up

" aku kejap lagi kerjala bro"

or my favourite quote

" aku malas gilalah nak keluar"

SO BOSAN. Anyway, since everybody is working and all, I think I'm gonna apply to any jobs I can find. My target? Yeah true Fitness gym at Taipan, so hopefully I'll get the job? :p YEAHHH.

Have you all played these games? :O These game are best of the shitznitz mofoshiz yo! Seriously, the game's awesome and the best. Just playing it, you can tell that these games are 5 star games.

Currently missing my lesbian partner in London.
Oh ya, mid of Jan HAHA!

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