Wednesday, October 28, 2009



Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hey everybody, as you all know, there's 29 more days left till SPM. Exactly at 18th November, I'll be taking my Sejarah and Bahasa Melayu test. What a nice subject to break the ice huh? -_-
Anyway, FINALLY! I can do all kinds of maths question now. Especially equation, kinda addicting when you know how to do it perfectly. :D That's for maths. Others? errrrr.. I'm not ready yet. Anyone have any suggestion on how to memorise on Sejarah and Agama? It's very difficult since I don't like those subjects -_-


Tuesday, October 13, 2009



Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I'm kinda addicted to Facebook nowadays and it is not a good thing to do. Furthermore, 3o something days more to SPM. Okay I want to make a promise to myself:


Okay, I think that's it? Yeah that's it, I guess. Future businessman in the future :D
Now I feel like I want to watch Fight Club -_-

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

061009. HAUH!

After a long hour of studying just now, I watched

Yeah, I know it is an old movie. So what? I like it. I meant just now I have nothing better movie to watch so I thought 'hey why not watch a war movie eh?' haha!
At first I thought I want to see the usual one, 300 -_- but I have already seen that movie for an uncountable times already and it still does not make me sick of it :P

Speaking of war movies, I find that during the war year, no, during the times where everything decided based on their fighting skills and the survival of the fittest are quite cool and exciting. Don't you think so? Well it is not exciting for those who weak but to me, I hope that 1 day this era would once again be like that. AHHA! Then I can be a hero haah! (tengok movie byk sgt die ni) That is what you are going to say right? ahha! but seriously, would you want to rule a kingdom, kick some shit out of peoples without police chasing you, and be the best and famous just for fighting and bringing honour to your kingdom and people? Right? Quite exciting right? HAHA! All rite, signing off ciao!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Have you ever had a feeling where sometimes you just feel like you want to kick the shit out of people and just do anything and whatever you like in order to make yourself happy? I do, I'm feeling it right now. I feel like I want to kick the shit out of people I hate or dislike and just do anything I want as if this world is mine. How I wish if this world is really is mine ahah okay merepek.

What I just wrote just now was a completely a different topic on what I'm going to write now. Anyway, I googled 'rempit' just now in wikipedia, did you know that there are approximately around 200,000 rempits here in Malaysia? damn right? I know. Half to quarter citizens in Malaysia are REMPITS -_- or better know as Mat Rempit or Kapcai. Yeah I'm bored and I had nothing better to do and this topic is the most stupidest and annoying stuff that I can search in wikipedia. -_-. Anyway, in Malaysia people call those who race with motorcycles Mat Rempit, but what about those biker who lived in overseas? Why people did not call them Mat Rempits? Is it because this is Malaysia? This question have been wandering through my head for nearly an hour now ahah! But all I know is 'rempits' in overseas are way much cooler than here. If I were to ride a motorbike, I would take a super bike and I'm not going to ride here where everybody thinks everybody who rides motorbike are 'rempits' -_-.

P/s: I FUCKING HATE REMPITS/KAPCAI. I hate them because they do not only brins trouble, they are also quite annoying whne they started their race. Besides that, I hate them girls who friends with rempits. They dont have self respect and should not be in Malaysia. Yeah, I'm furious now. HAHA!

051009. I hate that I love u.

I realised that I've not went to school for quite some time now.
I don't think I missed a lot, i guess.
Schools lately are pretty busy with their activities,
living the students all boring and doing nothing at school.
It's much better to study at home than to just have fun at school without doing any revision the SPM -_-

I cant wait for SPM to finish, LANGKAWI BABY!
I'm so looking forward to that.
Of course, with me pass the SPM with full satisfaction of my answers -_-
All I want to do now is just study real fucking hard. and smart :P
I don't want my future to be.. err.. bad?
I don't want to be one of those guys who failed their SPM's and just lepak-ing
in front of a secondary school and just came to settle some 'problem'
and just making a scene. No way.
Those are future less guys.
In order to be a successful businessman,
I have to really2 start studying real hard and smart starting now.
Push aside all my problems and funs.
Just for this 2 months, then I'll be free as a bird with a DRIVER'S LICENSE and hopefully..
with a car -_-'

Alright, lately I'm so in the mood for blogging and I don't know why.
I think it's maybe other than updating my bloggie,
I can also practise my English :P
This is because my last trial, I got a B for my English :(
yeah I know, B? Like fuck right? -_-
Other than my English, I think most of my results are quite okay but
the next trial I'm gonna score real hard and try to get all A's.

It's getting boring now so ciao :D

Sunday, October 4, 2009


You know the feelings when some big exam is coming?
Well I know I've already told you all like a zillion times.
Again, I'm still nervous and so scared of SPM.
SPM is like the biggest exam which decide where we will be in the future. duh? -_-
anyway, I want to get 6A's AT LEAST for my SPM.
I know its hard but its not impossible right?
Eventhough I'm scared and nervous about facing SPM,
I'm still kinda addicted to facebook (the new 'it' thing nowadays -_-)
and totally abandoned myspace.
'jakun gila mamat ni!'
I bet you all would be saying this to me right now -_-

Moving on, know this?

yeah, this is the Asics Onitsuka Mini Cooper.. err editionla kot? haha!
I would really really love to get 1 of this. nice huh?
I know, this will definitely ease off my mind of off things :D

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I'm beginning to feel the SPM's tension-ness and stress-ness.

011009. I wish I can be like you.

I'm so lazy to update my blog but I feel if I dont update it, I'll feel terrible. haha!
cam bangang je. Yeah, I have nothing to update actually today.
cam sje2 nak tulis2. BOHSAN.
Oh ya, I'm kinda addicted to facebook nowadays haha! yeah lame, so what?
this what happens to everybody whos new to something :D
They become addicted to it. Anyway, things have been good to me lately.
Im back to normal and all my problem seems to getting better and better.
Yeahh so next up is STUDYING LIKE HELL! :D

I miss you more.