Thursday, December 30, 2010


See the date? Yeah it's the last day of 2010. In approximately 18 hours from now, it will be 2011 and everything will become new and fresh. There's uncountable memories happened throughout 2010, want me to summarize some if it ? Yeah it's morning now and I skipped my daily jogging because my leg's are being a baby right now so here it goes.

1. I was single and had no official relationships for 10? 9? 8 months?
2. I've met a lot of new people.
3. I've tried a lot of new foods.
4. I joined a business and it turns out okay.
5. Got a car.
6. Got a toner body.
7. Got a very nice, caring, sweet girlfriend.
8. Became a better person.
9. Played Paintball.
10. Ate 3 Lobsters at a time.
11. Became first in DOTA for 3 times? (HAHAHAHAHA)
12. Hiked Broga Hill.
13. Rode a Ninja.
14. Rode Adam's customized Neo and Lotus.
15. Skate on a rollerblade.
16. Did a 360 on a skateboard.
17. Bought a BlackBerry.
18. Bought an iPod Touch 4.
19. Got a skinnier face.
20. Did a 1 hour, 23 minutes, 3 seconds, and 09 miliseconds jog.
21. Realized that Justin Timberlake's songs are quite nice and sexy.
22. Watched Wall Street and The Social Network and Wiki-ed the history of those movie afterward.
23. Ate 8 pates of Sushi at a time.
24. Watched sunrise.
25. Watched sunset.

There's too much too list down. Oh well, there's nice memories and bad memories happened throughout 2010. I want to make a list of things I want to do throughout 2011.

1. Get good grades in college.
2. Treat everyone equally.
3. Be a better person.
4. I want to appreciate all the people around me especially my family, my lovely girlfriend, Amelia and friends.
5. Gonna try scuba diving.
6. Gonna climb a higher hill.
7. Gonna try Laser Tag.
8. Gonna managed my finance carefully.
9. Less shopping.
10. Less outing and more studies.
11. Be adventurous.
12. Be better in everything.
13. I will try to make it in my college's Dean's list. Hopefully.
14. Make my parents proud.
15. Attend all class.

Again, too many to list down so I'm just gonna stop there.

Motto for 2011 : Learn from the mistakes, cherish the sweet moments and be a better person in everything.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


We planned the trip 3 hours before going out that night and now we've finally hiked Broga hill !

Went off that morning around 2 for some shisha and DOTA. Haha who shisha-ed and play dota before hiking ? We do ! Haha ! Anyway, there was some frustration and bengangness when we were fetching Araff from Bangi though but it was worth it when we reached Broga. The roads were dark and we couldn't see any light from anywhere except from our torchlight and Araff's friend's car. Anyway, went up Broga Hill after that with 4 or 3 torchlights, 1 backpack, NO DRINKS, sweaters, and scary feelings. Luckily that was Yusuf's second trip to Broga Hill so he was our 'instructor' that morning. Anyway, the rocky, slippery, and dark 'tracks' there was our road to the top. It was okay until there was this part where the track became very small and it only fits for a person at a time. However, that doesn't stop us from reaching our goal, to see the sunrise before it errr rise? Haha ! Anyhow, we've reached the top in less than one hour and got to see the amazing of our sunrise !

Moving on, after Broga Hill, we went to Sungai Tekala? Or Ketala I think, I don't remember. Went there for it's river and for that we must 'hiked' for another 1 kilometer. Oh yeah.

Some of the good quality pictures are with Yusuf.

Later on that evening, I went to Sunway and meet up with....

See her face? Hehehe bajet Zac Efron lagikan? I uploaded this for you lovely gal hehe :p

Anyway, went there for lunch and took some pictures with my girl.

Back home later to watched MALAYSIA VERSUS INDONESIA 2ND LEG FINAL LIVE FROM JAKARTA !!! Oh well, we all know who won the cup... *drum rolls.. MALAYSIA !!! Such a beautiful first goal last night but Malaysian team gave them Indonesians a chance and (I think) purposely owngoaled to give them Indonesians something to happy about.. Winning on their own land. Oh well, Malaysia won and this Friday, which is tomorrow, will be a public holiday due to Malaysians skillful and loudness tiger ROAAR ! HARIMAU MALAYA GO !

And you have got to respect this guy ! If not because of him last night, Indonesian would have scored at least 5 goals. Thank you Khairul Fahmi Che Mat for bringing Malaysia's name up top !


Monday, December 27, 2010


Hello ! I have a stalker who reads my blog now and then and her name iissss... Well you know you are :p
Anyway, watched

It was kinda funny but not as funny as

Supposed to watched Gullivers Travels instead of Meet The Parents but how can we watch the movie with packed cinema filled with families and their 'little' babies sneezing and crying and screaming all around us? Yeah, so we got out from the first movie which was the Gullivers Travels then off to another which was the Meet The Parents. Luckily, the movie was quite okay and amusing. Fuuh.

Okay moving on, recently, I am so so so so looking forward to my hiking on

Broga Hill.

With my boys, we shall conquer Broga Hill. Will hike on this hill before college starts. It's a must ! So does Laser Tag !


Saturday, December 25, 2010

26 December 2010.

I know I have said this for like a billion times
but this time I will try to not ignored my blog and keep update from now and then.
I have been away for quite some time now so many things have occurred while I was away.
One of it was


Oh yes, I have a girlfriend now and it's official.

Alright, that was one of the things that occurred.
Alright, I'm currently busy with decorating my new room now.
My old room will be given to my sister.
The new room is slightly smaller than my old room but I don't care as
long it's cozy as my last one.
I need a better design and better everything.
I have made some survey of some bedrooms and these are what I can came up with.

I really like the color of room 1 and room 3, it's cozy.
The design, well, I will make it look more like a student's
life since I'll be joining Taylors next year.
However so, room 1, maybe I want my new room to be like that except
it'll be much much much cleaner and tidy of course.
Or maybe I will combine the furniture of room 3 with the color of room 1?
Hahah oh well, I have enough time to think, so chilling in the building now :D