Wednesday, September 30, 2009

300909. I'll try.

Today I skipped school to study at home but unfortunately,
I enjoyed myself watching movie all day long.
Well actually not all day long, just until noon like that.
I watched


Seen it before. Again, 9/10

Seen it before. Again, 8/10.

Yeah i know, I'm lame.
Sitting at home, alone, watching movies that does not involve a lot of girls and all haha!
so what? ada masalah?
watching movies is one of my ways to ease my mind -_-.
Okay gotta go, study yaw:D

Monday, September 28, 2009

280909. You're just too determined.

Its 33 or 34 more days till SPM and I'm here blogging -_-
haha! I've just studied 2 and a half hours straight just now.
hooray to me :D
Anyway, school has started and nothing seems to change in school.
Annantha still a 'kacang',
Rozaimi is still a *****,
TIRU IS JUST &*^&%*# *****.
Haihh i mean my hair is like this

but Rozaimi still forcing me to go out front
and force me to walk a long walk to the opposite site where I'm sitting
and in front of the whole school -_-
yeah I know, I make such a big fuss out of it ahha!
So what?
The next haircut I was thinking more like this

or should i just keep it long until it became like my last years hairstyle :D
I'm more to this decision haha okay merepekkkk.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Selamat hari rayaaaaa!!!! Maaf zahir and batin everybody!
Raya for me this year was borinnggggg.
Nothing interesting happened. All of them was okay jee.
moving on! I got a lot of duit raya this year.
For 3 days, i got around 300 haha!
agak okla tukan for 3 hari? :P
pictures :D

anyway, school is about to start next week and i've not done any studying at all.
Worse, SPM is just 40 days away. damnla.
I have a new goal for this coming 40 days and that is :

2. Win her love back.
3. Tidy up my room.
4. Buy a new pair of shoes
5. make an agreement with my mother to drive her car -_-
6. KUATKAN IMAN. ahha!

Oh ya, I found this creature lurking in one of the drains at my kg.

scary huh? :P

bohsan. ciao!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


How i wish i have stone heart. That way, i feel nothing. -_-

Monday, September 14, 2009


I skipped school again today. for what? STUDYLAAAA :D
I have to prepare for real now for my SPM.
My trials result is not so good.
I have less than 50 days till SPM :(
Anyway, tomorrow I will be taking my JPJ exam again and I hope that I pass :D

I think love is great to fall in but i really2 hate breaking up.
Stress, stress, stress, stress.
Well now I'm a little confuse on whether I should continue or not.
Love requires two rite? but in my case?
hmm I dont know.

Saturday, September 12, 2009



- taken from afiqah diyanah

Well thats what im doin now i guess. New blog, new life, everythingla new.
I'm not using my previous blog anymore :D
So this is my new onela, obviously.
The reason I've not been blogging is because im just too darn lazy to update -_-
plus nothing interesting actually happen to me lately (besides my jpj KANDAS, I've had a nice pre hari raya celebration and I've just broke up).
but hey! thats all history!
but I still want to write about it haha!

allrite, on 090909, I've had my JPJ exam.
I was so nervous when they called my number, 44.
My road test got 18/20 while my parking FAILED. -_-
I was doing it right for my 3 point turn but he asked me to stop n failed me immediately -_-
He didnt even give me the specific reason for why i failed -_-
fucking egoistic JPJ's.
So on 160909, I'll be retaking my JPJ exam for parking and hope that I passed and
getting a

Allritee, yesterday I went to sunway with friends and watched

It was a boring game. Oh and didnt I told you that we've watched it 3D? :D
still, it was a boring movie no doubt -_-
allrite my outing to sunway was overall boring.
So the fun part is when the celebration for our pre hari raya in front of my school. woot2!
It was quite exciting because all the guys were there and we were snapping a lot of pictures and clubbing( in front of the school while the school having its khatam al-quran) -_-.
Anyway, it was a fun night and later on partying at Rasyidi's hse, that was fun.
Allrite I'm out of idea for now, so ciao!