Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Have you ever felt like you've been doing something and when you're about to finish it,
someone just come to you and ruined it? The feeling that boils up in you like you're about to explode but no, you back down and just wait for anything that's going to happen?
Okay I'm crapping but yeah, that's what I feel right now.
I don't like to show emotions but sometimes, I have to.
Too much emotions revealed means you're weak and people would take that as their advantage. By writing this blog, you all might think that I'm a weak person right?
Well this is just the cover of my story, beneath the cover,
I'm the hardest egoistic heartless guy you will ever met. . .
I'm a happy go lucky person.

Okay sorry for the emo post,
I'm going through some emo procedure now but hey who doesn't right?!
Anyhow, I might be getting iPhone 4G next month! Bangga!
Haha ktengsbai!

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