Sunday, May 30, 2010


Yeah challengers. Never in my life whenever I want someone and there's no challenger. Why god? Why you made me attract to such errr smart, petite, gorgeous, mixed race, shorter than me and has a lots of admirer? -_- Seriously, sometimes I just want to quit and be single for a very veryyy veryyy long time. Pfft we all know that's not gonna happen and by saying that, I assumed you all might be thinking that I'm some kind of a slut male version right? Well, you're wrong, I only go for the best and untouched :) I don't have like those boys and girls who has enough exes to build an army. Oh well I'm crapping away while waiting Mus and Naqib to pick me up eating after this. Hmm what's there to tell more? Oh yeah, I'm now using Blackberry, so yeah do ask me for my BB pin for y'all BB user :) Ciao!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

New life.

Oh well, I think I should continue on updating my blog. It feels kinda exciting to update your blog after reading some article or an essay that filled with amazing and stunning words. So yeah, college has started for me, I'm in MSU, Management and Science University. To all of you who thinks that this university is just wanting for money, well, you're wrong, if you want to compare the fees with the facility, students, lecturers, and everything that this university offers, it is way cheaper than other colleges which doesn't have a what we students of MSU called a 'High-Tech University'. Yes, literally, a high-tech university. You won't see or do a lots of traditional or manual work in this university, it's all up-to-date.

So yeah, enough with my compliments about the university, this week is the Orientation week for this university, so to anyone out there who have been in an Orientation Week, you all should know how I feel on the 1st day right? Boring. Well only on the first day, 2nd day is a blast and so on. I found out that Subangrians are quite friendly when it comes to social meeting. We don't care where do you come from, as long as you're friendly and nice, then you'll have friends everywhere.

I have a Blackberry and a car now. YAHOO! HAHA!
Peace out! :D