Monday, September 13, 2010



I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aildilfitri to all of my family and friends, may you all have the heart and courtesy to forgive my mistakes physically and mentally in the past. I'm sorry for everything.

Okay the touching forgiving part have passed. My Raya's kinda okay, first we went to Perak for 3 days 2 nights where we celebrated Raya with Lemang in the morning, Ketupat in the afternoon and Lemang and Ketupat at night. Great, that's a lot of fats to be burn later. Anyways, went Raya to my err grandparents sisters and brothers and my uncles and fathers friends and all which was quite exhausting. Blablabla then played some firecrackers at night, wait, every night. Then off to Melaka on the 2nd day of Raya. The celebration here was better than it was in Perak. More lively to be exact, eventhough some of my cousins and relatives was not there, I still managed to have fun. Here are some pictures. ADIOS!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Had the last break fast of us last 2 days, sorry update today
because the pictures only came out today.
Anyway had our break fast at Empire, Madam Kwan's where I ate Nasi Bojari?
Haha honestly, when I heard the name of the meal, I'm surprised by it.
I thought it was like Nasi Hujan Panas or something like that but hey at least
it's worth my money and I gave 4 star to the chef for the meal.
It's nice to rejoice with zem boys and girls, hope we can do this again soon.
Anyway, I'm just gonna let the pictures do the talking, SEE YA!